GRAY School (1) proposes itself as a centre for education around creative and intellectual exchange, the contextualization of a publication as well as a referent to the formative years of pedagogy: grade school.
GRAY School (1) will be a space for an exhibition, lectures and workshops while also acting as the catalyst for GRAY Publications’ third issue. Since GRAY is a publication that documents fashion, garment and agency we will be working with artists, writers and lecturers who do not necessarily deal with fashion through form, but engage with the field through its many tensions. GRAY School (1) will include contributions from Tobin Gibson, Holly Goldsmith-Jones, KT Kilgour, Zoe Kreye, Willem Jan Smit, and Brent Wadden.
GRAY School (1) will also inaugurate a new addition to UNIT/PITT Projects’s public program – On Economy: A Sunday Service. Each Sunday, at 11:00am, this three-hour event will provide an opportunity for anyone to engage with the texts of others. Starting with a workshop of editing texts brought into the space On Economy: A Sunday Service will move on to a discussion surrounding a piece of literature selected from GRAY’s curriculum.
Each service will be held with a discussion wherein exchange or economy is implicit. GRAY will be sourcing texts around the topics of: “social spheres”, “attitudes”, “objects”, “monetary values”, “written language”, “the potluck”, “the gift” and “the sacred object” throughout its weeks of operation. On Economy: A Sunday Service will bring together guest speakers to engage with texts such as:
Education. London: Whitechapel Gallery, 2011
Aranda, Julieta, Brian Kuan Wood and Anton Vidokle. What Is Contemporary Art? Berlin: Sternberg, 2010
Baudelaire, Charles. The Painter of Modern Life. London: Penguin, 2010
Bishop, Claire. Artificial Hells. 2012
Castellane, Victoire De and Louise Neri. Victoire De Castellane: Fleurs D’excès. Paris: Gagosian Gallery, 2011
Eisenstein, Charles. Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition
Flood, Richard et. al. Unmonumental: The Object in the 21st Century
Gide, André, and Dorothy Bussy. The Immoralist. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1948
Groys, Boris. Going Public. Ed. Julieta Aranda et al. Sternberg Press. 2010
Heilbrun, Charles and Charles M. Gray. The Economics of Art and Culture. 2nd Ed
Hyde, Lewis. The Gift: Creativity and the Artist in the Modern World.
Kraus, Chris. Where Art Belongs. Los Angeles, CA: Semiotext(e), 2011
Leopardi, Giacomo, and Giovanni Cecchetti. Operette Morali: Essays and Dialogues. Berkeley: University of California, 1982
Mill, John Stuart. On Liberty. Random House: New York. 1993
Orwell, George. Books v. Cigarettes. London: Penguin, 2008
Plato. The Republic. Baltimore, MD: Penguin, 1955
Stein, Gertrude. Tender Buttons. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon, 1991
Schumacher, E.F. Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered
Scott, Walter. Wendy. Montreal, self-published, 2011
Tanizaki, Jun’ichirō. In Praise of Shadows. London: Vintage, 2001
Wessels, Walter J Economics. Barron’s Business Review Books. 5th Ed
Westwood, Vivienne. 100 Days of Active Resistance Bologna: Damiani Editore, 2011
Whistler, James Abbott McNeil. The Gentle Art of Making Enemies
Yayoi Kusama Paris: Louis Vuitton, 2012
RT @unitpitt: Today is the last day of What Future – tomorrow is the first day of GRAY School
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