Charles Chalmers, Fred Douglas, Nate Larson, Clea McDougall and Yvette Poorter
Duplicitous: Narrative Trends in Photography
Friday, November 4-Saturday, December 10, 2005
Opening Reception: Thursday, November 4, 2005 at 7:00 pm
This exhibition of photographic works by Charles Chalmers, Fred Douglas, Nate Larson, Clea McDougall and Yvette Poorter, returns to the narrative potential of the image in response to the pervasive photographic trend towards photoconceptualism and documentary-style, sociological studies. Working in multiple exposures, multiple frames, collage and text/image, these artists investigate the ways images work, how meaning is derived from them, and the ways the brain works at piecing together information. All five artists, working in different locations around the world and in extremely different ways, show the narrative imagination at work. Rather than highlighting the fiction of our modes of representation and mass media, this exhibition revels in the reality of our fictions, our expectations and desires.