Opening at the Pitt International Galleries on Monday December 3 at 8:00 p.m. is an exhibit by four young, dynamic painters, Graham Gillmore, Angela Grossman, Attila Richard Lukacs, and Derek Root. Having worked together for the past two years in a supportive/critical dialogue, these artists have clearly developed in their committment to painting. They are a part of the vast community of artists in Vancouver who are seriously working and exploring in their studios to emerge when the time is ripe to exhibit. Of the four, Lukacs is the only one who has received any degree of public exposure, and it is now time for Vancouver to see this work.
These four, though distinct within their individual paintings, believe in the personal, emotive, and sensual power that envelopes the brushstroke, and though concerned about the formal problems of artmaking, their work is not so much dealing with form as it is about content derived from a direct and spontaneous transmission of feeling, for which paint is one of the most compatible of media. With canvasses of a large scale – up to 8′ x 10′ – the human condition, both in terms of ourselves/the figure, and that of nature/the landscape is investigated; issues that are at the core of much painting today.
This exhibit contains some of the most ambitious and exciting painting emerging in Vancouver today. Work by all four artists can be currently seen at the Warehouse Show at 522 Beatty St. Exhibit continues to December 15.