Third Annual Emily Carr Institute Off-Site Graduation Exhibition
Curated by Robyn Croft, Tiziana La Melia and Tegan Moore
Nuns with rulers in hand, supervising teenage slow-dancers, separate the yielding bodies with the stern reminder to “Leave room for the Holy Spirit!” Like the last dance at prom, the works in this exhibition share a quick moment of closeness, a strange intimacy, before the measure between them breaks, the music ends, the lights are shut off, and the students return home. As new grads blossom, nerves, sweat and excitement mix with post-production shock and the melancholy of final rituals. Upon the graduating class’s awkward separation, the work makes room for a whole new spirit.
Featuring the work of Nayeob Kim, David Mook, Robyn Croft, Scott Moore, Melanie Coles, Barry Meldrum, Christopher Olson, Tiziana La Melia, Julianne Claire, Rainbow Friberg, Anna Szaflarski, Allison Tweedie, Sarah Hoemberg, Deirdre McAdams, Johnny Burgess, Rebecca La Marre, Samuel Rudolf, Zarah Ackerman, Tegan Moore, Tondela Myles, Susan Kang, Ian Wyatt and Aja Robb.