The Rolling Stones Trilogy: An Inadvertent Opera in Three Acts, At Once is a curatorial project by Michael Turner, co-presented by UNIT/PITT Projects and the Waldorf Hotel. The installation features three films starring the musical group the Rolling Stones (released between 1968 and 1972), reimagined as acts in an opera. Turner has written synopses for these acts and aligned them to their respective films, all shown together at once.
The installation premieres Sunday, April 3, noon to 6 pm, in the Waldorf Hotel’s Hideaway and runs each Sunday through the month of April; it will also be shown in the new UNIT/PITT Projects space at 15 East Pender Street from Wednesday April 27 through Saturday April 30, noon to 5 pm each day.
A limited print edition and a book, Free Concert, have been published in conjunction with this project.