Starting July 2017, UNIT/PITT Projects will host the School of Collaboration and Invention (SOCAI) – a multifaceted, participant-led program that engages young people aged 16-20 in art and design through practices of collaboration, performance, material in(ter)ventions, creative dissent and artistic activism.
Together we are inviting 6-8 curious, motivated and artistic minds aged 16-20, who are interested in developing and leading the School of Collaboration and Invention’s inaugural, month-long session. Participants will commit to attending two three-hour sessions a week (dates and times will be determined by the group).
The basis of our collectivism and artistic in(ter)ventions will be formed by themes and issues relevant to the lives of young people living in Vancouver. Throughout the program’s inaugural session, participants are encouraged to propose, plan and lead projects, curate events and exhibitions with the guidance of local artists, activists, educators, designers and makers. Together we will develop and invent weekly “curricula of collaboration” based on the group’s collective interests and concerns, and will facilitate critical, experiential and experimental spaces for discussion, material-in(ter)vention and learning.
Students of SOCAI will (re)imagine ways of collaboration and develop an understanding of the dynamics of collective action by employing the DIY tactics and principles often found in socially-engaged, artistic practices. Together we will set criteria for our own investigations in order to formulate a broad range of participatory platforms that will actively encourage and initiate exchanges with the public and members of the community.
Days, times and lengths of our weekly collaborations will be decided upon by all members of the group collectively, who must be able to commit to at least 80% of the School’s session through its first term.
As well as hosting a final event, exhibition or workshop to celebrate the conclusion of this first session, we will produce Volume One of a series of publications and manuals showcasing the actions and activisms of the School of Collaboration and Invention’s inaugural group of students.
7 July – 18 August, 2017
UNIT/PITT Projects
236 E Pender St
Vancouver, BC
Please send a brief statement of interest including your name, age and availability, detailing why you would like to participate in the School of Collaboration and Invention at UNIT/PITT to