A Transparency Machine event will occur on Wednesday July 24, 7:00PM, in UNIT/PITT’s gallery with poem-texts selected and projected by Scott Inniss, Jenny Penberthy, and Leah Sharzer.
The Transparency Machine Event asks a writer to select a poem-text written by someone else and to facilitate a 20-minute discussion about it. The texts selected by Scott, Jenny, and Leah will be emailed two weeks prior to July 24.
A vintage overhead projector circa 19?? will be used in the making of this event. Facilitated by Louis Cabri. Refreshments available.
Leah Sharzer’s selection: “Let The Brothels of Paris Be Opened” by William Blake, 1793
Jenny Penberthy’s selection: “Mary Shelley” by Lorine Niedecker, 1966
Scot Inniss’ selection: “Love Poem III” by Jack Spicer, 1965