A Dossier Against Cynicism - cover

A Dossier Against Cynicism: Two Essays for Robert Chaplin is a critical volume by Jerry Zaslove, accompanying the exhibition Robert Chaplin: About Time and the artist’s book Sorry I’m Not Sorry. In two incisive essays, Zaslove explores the relationship between culture and bureaucracy, between artists and institutions, and between cynical and anti-cynical culture.

ISBN: 9781927394212
One volume, perfect-bound, 96pp.



Jerry Zaslove is a teacher and writer who studied Comparative Literature at Western Reserve University and the University of Washington. Since 1965 he has taught Literature, Humanities, and the Social History of Art at Simon Fraser University. His publications include writings about contemporary visual art, literature, and critical theory, including recent writings on the work of artists such as Jeff Wall and Alex Morrison.

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