I have sent you numerous letters, but I am not aware whether you have received them. As very probably they are now either in the clouds or in the moon, I write a short resume of what has passed since we have been cut off from the outer world, as I believe that I have a very good chance this morning to communicate with you.
Henry Labouchère, Diary of the Besieged Resident in Paris, (London: Hurst and Blackett, 1871), letter from September 7, 1870.
From March to June 2021, UNIT/PITT presented a virtual free school focused on the Paris Commune of 1871, hosted by writer and scholar Roxanne Panchasi. “Free” in this instance meant without charge, but also without course/attendance requirements, assignments, grades, or participant evaluation of any kind. La Commune 2021 participants received weekly newsletters with suggested reading lists, relevant upcoming events, and fresh episodes of Radio 1871. All 10 weeks of La Commune 2021 will be available to review until April 2022 at unitpitt.ca/la-commune-2021
UNIT/PITT selected 10 emerging artists and writers to respond to La Commune 2021. Click on the images below to view their work.
Thank you Ada Dragomir, Alysha Seriani, Emily Guerrero, Kara Stanton, Mary Rusak, Pippa Lattey, Rhys Edwards, Ryan Ermacora, and Stephanie Gagne for your thoughtful and thought-provoking responses. In Fall 2021, keep an eye out for La Commune 2021 artist posters in Vancouver, and other parts of British Columbia and Canada.
La Commune 2021 design by Lauren Lavery.