In case you have been on vacation, or outside enjoying the sun, we thought we should let you know that UNIT/PITT has been undergoing an exciting transformation this summer. In May, we moved from our Carrall and Pender location to a new space just down the street at 236 E Pender. We teamed up with Centre 221A to launch a new suite of artist’s studios, as well as enlarging and vastly improving our artist-run gallery space. Don’t let these slick photos fool you. We still have lots of work yet to do to get our studios up and running, and we need your help! Be a part of improving our city’s cultural infrastructure and support the 236 E Pender Project by donating online here.
If you would like to donate money, but don’t want to do so online, you can contact us at info@helenpittgallery.com.
You can also show your support by attending our Grand Opening / SWARM Afterparty / Fundraiser on Friday, September 13th at 10pm. Specifics will be released soon, but there will be DJs, art, dancing, and an opportunity to see in person what we have done with this inspiring new space.
Support the Unit/Pitt Gallery! http://t.co/zuL9KLHmA7 #vanarts
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RT @seanantrim: Support the Unit/Pitt Gallery! http://t.co/zuL9KLHmA7 #vanarts
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looking good!
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