Tonight, the second midnight performance of Vancouver, Crawling, Weeping, Betting starts at 11:30 pm and runs until 12:30. These “Witching Hour Solos” can be viewed through the windows of UNIT/PITT, from out on the sidewalk. The nature of tonight’s performance is a closely guarded secret — we’ll be as surprised as you are.
Before you come down to watch that, two of 236 East Pender’s valued tenants have a show opening at CSA Space: Aaron Carter, who contributed a lot of hard work to renovating our current facility, has an exhibition opening tonight, curated by Steffanie Ling, who also co-curated 2012’s instalment of Wrong Wave and Reseach + Presentation Centre with Amanda Jehring. The opening starts at 6pm and goes until 9, which gives you ample time to drop in there, get a drink and dinner, and join us in front of 236 East Pender for tonight’s solo.
Before you come down to Chinatown to see this, you could drop by CSA Space for the opening there:
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