Last weekend we opened the first project in our Ill Repute series, Yin Yang Temple by Patrick Cruz. On Saturday, November 5 (at 2 in the afternoon) we’ll follow with the second project, Survival in Its Many Shapes by Wil George. By early December, we will have five commissions by emerging artists running in various ways: installations, video, books, performances, web projects, and so on. So, while this is in the form of one exhibition that runs from October to December 2011, it’s going to continue to change right up until the end.
What started as an idea to use the history of the Pitt to examine less-acknowledged Vancouver history has been shaped and stretched by the artists and by co-curator Cease Wyss into a platform for projects that examine the persistence of ideas, people, and forms of exchange in non-official, non-sanctioned culture. This is our contribution to the dialogue around Vancouver’s 125th anniversary: a reminder that the city is built on more than real estate, and that experimental, free, oppositional culture has a past, a present and a future.