Last week was busy, with the ISSUE Magazine launch, Spaces of Contestation panel/finissage, Kirsty Robertson’s lecture about protest inside the museum, and lots of last-minute details connected with all of these. Thanks are in order to Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte, Kirsty Robertson, Zoe Kreye, Catherine Grau, Lauren Marsden, Didier Morelli, Gabriel Saloman, Am Johal, Andrea Creamer, SFU Institute for the Humanities, Driftwood Brewing, Outreach Alternative Program of Britannia Secondary School, Burnaby Residents Opposing Kinder Morgan Expansion, STAG Library, the Vancouver Public Library, Dana Howell, Rhys Kearns, Natalie Gitt, Alexa Mardon, Carla Stewart, Steffanie Ling, Erik Rzepka, Maggie Boyd, Noe Bagshaw, all of our patient neighbours on Pender Street, and everyone who came out to the lecture, the magazine launch, and the panel.
Some of the most demanding work was done by Brynn McNab, who is now editor of ISSUE in addition to managing 236 East Pender. Getting the first number of the relaunched magazine out with no real budget or resources is a remarkable feat.
The exhibition portion of Spaces of Contestation will be open until May 3. ISSUE Magazine is available for purchase online, at the Pitt during open hours, and soon in a few other places. We’ll be making some announcements soon about what happens next.
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